Top quality cGMP equipment must necessarily be integrated through a proper high level of professional services including:
- Technical Documentation
- FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)
- Endotoxin Test
- Installation (see related page in this site)
- Commissioning, SAT (Site Acceptance Test)
- Start-up and Training
- Validation (Equipment Qualification)
BRAM-COR worldwide network of skilled agents and our affiliated companies ensure assistance to our Clients in over 50 countries, from the very beginning of a pharmaceutical project throughout decades after start-up. BRAM-COR After Sales Dept. grants punctual and quick deliveries of spares and ongoing technical support.
All Pharmaceutical Facilities need to be up-dated, competitive and efficient in operation, to diversify production programs, to reduce life-cycle costs and, above all, to comply to the appropriate pharmaceutical GMP regulation. BRAM-COR project drivers are aimed at satisfying all pharmaceutical regulatory and QA requirements, aligning the final product to the international Pharmacopoeias and capitalizing upon a careful, customer-oriented project management. Equipment and process flow are designed to allow a logical flow in order to avoid mix-ups of components, drug product, closures, labeling, in-process materials or cross contamination achieved through the development of
- Conceptual Design describing the general project organization
- Detailed Engineering, considering all process flows (raw materials, finished products, personnel, waste, etc.) and detailed project specifications