Bram-Cor designs and produces complete turnkey lines for the production of purified water, water for injectable, parenteral solutions, eye drops, ointments and creams. The plants, rigorously aligned with international pharmacopoeia, are entirely built in Italy and offer a plurality of customizable options, as regards water pretreatment, loops and storage.
Bram-Cor turnkey line, with water pretreatment, producing PW via Reverse Osmosis system. Downstream of the plant you can see loop, storage and user point for PW.
Bram-Cor turnkey line, with water pretreatment, producing PW via Reverse Osmosis system, and WFI via Vapor Compression distillation system. Downstream of the plant you can see loop, storage and user point for WFI.There are also separate loop, storage and user point for PW.
Bram-Cor turnkey line, with water pretreatment, PW via Reverse Osmosis system and WFI via Multi Effect distillation system. Downstream of the plant you can see loop, storage and user point for WFI.There are also separate loop, storage and user point for PW.
Bram-Cor pharmaceutical turnkey line for sanitization, with water pretreatment, PW via Reverse Osmosis, storage, loop, Pure Steam Generation system. In this line, downstream, you can see a Bram-Cor DISS mobile preparation/formulation systems (dissolutor/mixer) located in the first clean rooms (autoclave is present in the second clean room).